Jobs in the $120 Billion Dollar a Year Childhood Obesity Prevention Industry

According to recent government sources America spends over $120,000,000 (that’s Billion with a B) dollars annually on childhood obesity and related issues. That is to say we spend about the same on obesity as we’re spending on the Iraq war and we’re losing because the problem is getting worse not better. Not only that, we can’t pull out of this one even if we wanted to, which means we have to take a stand and fight.

Only One Percent

In this light I’d like to suggest that we take a mere ONE PERCENT of that $120 billion dollars and REDIRECT IT INTO A WAR ON CHILDHOOD OBESITY designed to naturally immunize kids against obesity for life, eliminate this plague within one decade, save the American taxpayer trillions over the same time period, immediately create 20,000 GOOD PAYING JOBS (400 per state), and improve the life quality and productivity of millions of kids from sea to shining sea.

Let’s Do the Math

Check out the math. One hundred twenty billion times one percent equals $1,200,000,000 (one point two billion dollars). If we paid each childhood obesity prevention specialist an average of $60,000 each we could hire 20,000 of them nationwide. This works out to be an average of 400 new childhood obesity specialists per state who would in turn work with schools, park districts, Boys and Girls Clubs, YM/WCA’s, and churches who are interested in helping their kids naturally immunize themselves against obesity for life.

Starting With Kindergartners

If we did nothing more than start with kindergarten classes across each state using simple height adjustable pull up bars together with a technique called leg assisted pull ups to help students learn to physically pull their own weight, 90% of all kindergartners would be naturally immunized against obesity for life by the end of the school year because kids who can do pull ups are NEVER OBESE. The other 10% would also be well on their way toward natural self immunization. Repeat this scenario for 10 straight years and childhood obesity would be ancient history like polio or the black plague.

2,000,000 Kids Annually Immunized Against Obesity

Let’s examine the possibilities in a little different way. Let’s say that each new specialist worked with (supported) only 10 other adults (teachers, park district, Boys and Girls Club, or pre-school employees) who in turn worked directly with at least 10 kids. Under those conditions we would naturally immunize 40,000 kids (10 X 10 X 400 = 40,000) against obesity for life in each state annually against obesity for life. Nationally that figure would be 2,000,000 kids who would be naturally immunized annually.

10,000,000 Kids Annually Immunized Against Obesity

But these figures are very conservative, the worst case scenario. Let’s say instead that each new specialist worked with 10 schools each week (one in the AM and one in the PM), and each school averaged 50 kindergartners. Under these conditions the number of kids naturally immunized against obesity for life annually explodes to 200,000 kids per state and 10,000,000 nationally.

And under those conditions childhood obesity would be completely eliminated in one decade or less, saving American taxpayer trillions, and making the lives of millions of American kids meaningful and productive in a way that they currently are not.

Meaningful Work Instead of Meaningless Repetition

One final note here is that the 20,000 jobs that we could create immediately with NO NEW MONEY, by redirecting what we’re currently spending in a productive direction, would create meaningful jobs that not only pay well and produce a humongous return on our nation’s investment in the personal infrastructure of our kids, but the childhood obesity prevention specialists themselves will know they’re doing something worth doing, something important, something that will make a difference in the lives of kids and parents across the USA, and maybe the world.

P.S. Dedicate 2% instead of 1% and you automatically DOUBLE these numbers!!

P.S.S. Can you imagine a stronger foundation for a prevention oriented American healthcare system than the elimination of childhood obesity within one decade?

Rick Osbourne spent 17 years as a physical educator an

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5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast

Getting ripped involves a number of activities, most importantly, eating a muscle building diet, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and engaging in intense muscle building exercise. There are a number of exercises that are specially designed to build muscle mass fast. In this article I will introduce five of the most basic exercises to build muscle mass fast and take a look at how you can incorporate them into your workout routine.


Pushups are one of the best ways to build muscles and get ripped and have been used for many years by body builders. Pushups are an endurance, body weight exercise that is often recommended to people who wish to gain muscle mass without the assistance of weights. This simple exercise requires you to lift and lower about 60% of your bodyweight off the floor against gravity using your arms and upper body muscles. This leads to quick development of the muscles in your chest, shoulders and triceps.

Varying the push up position or adding resistance to push ups also helps in achieving fuller, well trimmed and stronger muscles faster. For example, if you wish to focus on your pectoral muscles, placing your hands farther apart is the ideal position while if your focus is on your triceps, your hands should be place closer together in a triangle formation. If you wish to improve the muscles of your shoulders, raising your feet in an elevated position such as on a workout bench will help.

Ultimately the best thing about push ups is that, they can be done anywhere thereby eliminating the need for an expensive gym membership or free weights. If you are new to this exercise performing 3 sets of 12-15 pushups, 3 times a week is a good way to start to build muscle mass fast with pushups.


Pullups are considered to be one of the best muscle building exercises because you support your entire bodyweight with your arms as you lift yourself up into the air. In fact aside from strengthening your arms significantly, this exercise to build muscle mass helps to develop the latissimus dorsi muscle in the back and well trimmed biceps quickly. Pullups are also an excellent endurance and muscle building exercise.

Depending on your upper body strength and your weight, a typical pull up workout routine to build muscle mass fast should last for 5 – 10 minutes in total, incorporating 3 – 4 sets, with a rest of 45 seconds – 1 minute between sets. When starting out with pullups it is a great idea to perform assisted pullups by using an object to support your bodyweight, such as a chair. This does decrease the resistance on your muscles but will allow for your muscle to strengthen and adapt to accommodate your total body weight.

Aim to perform 5-8 repetitions per set to stimulate bicep, shoulder and back muscle development. Once you have built up sufficient muscle strength increase this to 10-12 reps of pullups per set.

Bench Press

The bench press is one of the most popular exercises to build chest muscles fast. Basically, you lower a weight to chest level then push it upward until your arms straighten, repeating this a set number of time. This weight training and bodybuilding exercise is specially designed to increase the strength of your deltoids, triceps and pectorals.

However many individuals love to perform this exercise in the gym but do not achieve rapid muscle gain because they see this basic exercise as simply throwing as much weight as you can upwards above your chest. The most important thing about the bench press is your form….explosive on the positive upward phase and slow on the negative lowering phase, leads to the quickest muscle gain. With proper execution of the bench press exercise, your pectoralis major and minor muscles will develop in a very short period of time.

Shoulder Press

Performing a shoulder press is one of the most common exercises to increase shoulder strength and muscle mass quickly. Depending on your fitness level, using dumbbells of 60 – 70% of your maximum load capacity (i.e. the maximum of what you can lift without losing correct form) will drastically accelerate shoulder muscle growth.

The shoulder press is performed by holding dumbbells at a resting position at shoulder level with your palms facing forward, then simple lifting the dumbbells straight upward above your shoulders and gradually lowering them back to the resting position. It is crucial to tighten your abs and exhale when raising the weights and inhale when lowering them to maintain form and promote muscle growth.

Biceps Curls

The final exercise to build muscle mass fast is the bicep curls. These are considered to be the most effective exercise to build muscle mass quickly in your arms and helps a great deal with developing the biceps, triceps, shoulders and forearms. They can also help in strengthening the stabilizer muscles of the upper arms.

Biceps curls are performed by placing dumbbells in the palm of each hand, then curling the weights up against gravity towards your biceps while keeping your palms facing forward. The weights are then slowly lowered to the starting position. It is important not to swing your arms, shrug your shoulders or arch your back. If you find yourself doing any of these then you need to reduce the amount of weight you are trying to lift. 8-10 repetitions of bicep curls with weight of 60%-70% of your maximum lo

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